Being in a customer service field, the skills of listening, patience, empathy, problem resolution and telephone communication skills are the characters that will make being a great customer service...AND...These were practically practising by most of the women in the earth 😏 

Do you agree with me?

Let’s look at the facts of why women are better at customer service than men…

Source: David Schneider, ‘The Psychology of Stereotyping’


When woman tells her husband a story she adds details that no guy in his right mind cares about.  But, no matter how convoluted it may seem, or what parts of the story her husband don’t care about, when the same story is told to another woman it makes perfect sense!  They listen with spellbound attention.

She can go on and on with all the specificity of a big-city lawyer when explaining the most basic of situations.  Right?

For her husband shut down, only hear the words her husband want to hear (which are every 4th one or so). His line to her is always, “just the facts ma’am, just the facts.  Give me the short version of the story”.  “No, no, you NEED to hear it all”, she says.

So, you can just admit, how can men provide great customer service without listening to all the facts?  Women win at listening.


Just make it simple, when the kids were young, would you able to all the time braiding their hair and reading a bedtime story to them? Mother which is a Woman will  ALWAYS had time and the patience for that.  So, women win at patience.


We are supposed to “feel the pain” and dissatisfaction of our customers when they don’t receive the service they believe they are entitled to.  It’s not enough to just say “I’m sorry” to an upset customer; we must do much more than that.

Think of what a woman would say to one of her girlfriends when she finds out her boyfriend cheated on her…

“Oh honey, I know, I know.  He’s such a jerk; he doesn’t deserve a beautiful woman like you.  You can do better than him.  I know what it’s like; my ex-boyfriend did the same to me.  That’s terrible, you’re not gonna stand for stuff like that.”

“Come on, come on, we’re gonna go out.  We’re gonna find you a NEW man, a man that appreciates someone as special as you.  I bet there are thousands of guys just dreaming of a girl like you.”

That’s as emphatic as hell and pretty motivational too!

What would a guy say?  “Come on dude, snap out of it. Let’s go to grab a beer…”

Need I say more?  Women win at empathy.

Problem Resolution

Most guys find a solution to a bad situation by just shrugging it off and moving on.  They say things like:

“The sale ended yesterday?  No problem, I’ll just pay the full price.”  “The warranty on my computer’s service contract just expired?  That’s ok, how much will the repairs cost me”?  “There’s no more in my size?  I’ll just come back another time”.  We give in too easily.

Women are tenacious and never give in.

You have a problem?  The lady is going to find a solution, and will do so without having to go to this counter or speak with customer service agent after customer service agent.  Need a manager?  Heck no, women don’t need a manager to get things done.  Maybe the “empathy thing” kicked in again.

Don’t know how they do it but women win at problem resolution, every time.

Telephone Skills

Can a guy being in a call with your best friend or your family member for hours? No... but Women are able to do that. Women can talk with anyone, anywhere, anytime.

Man can’t wait to get off the phone, especially when he is home and some telemarketer calls, he will answer: NO, I’M NOT INTERESTED! unless they will give you a million dollars.

Am I right?

So, do you still doubt that women are better at customer service than men? 
